Mar 13th, 2014, 9:44 AM
I'm using the API and a custom export type to display specific columns:
{foreach from=$submissions item=submission}
<img src={display_field_by_colname col_name="col_16"}>
<b>{display_field_by_colname col_name="col_2"}</b><br>
{display_field_by_colname col_name="col_4"}<br>
<b>FMI:</b> {display_field_by_colname col_name="col_5"}, {display_field_by_colname col_name="col_6"}
It works fine, except that I can't seem to modify the file upload field (col_16) so that it doesn't try to generate a link. How do I do that?
{foreach from=$submissions item=submission}
<img src={display_field_by_colname col_name="col_16"}>
<b>{display_field_by_colname col_name="col_2"}</b><br>
{display_field_by_colname col_name="col_4"}<br>
<b>FMI:</b> {display_field_by_colname col_name="col_5"}, {display_field_by_colname col_name="col_6"}
It works fine, except that I can't seem to modify the file upload field (col_16) so that it doesn't try to generate a link. How do I do that?