Oct 1st, 2010, 3:00 AM
I got this simple html form working although there seems to be some problem when viewing since the path isn't right. this can be ignore of course since its uploaded successfully and saved in the upload folder :
my ONLY concern is to resize these uploaded images before transferring it to the server. i dont want 2-3MB image files. all i want is a 80-90 quality JPG images with not more than 800*600 pixels.
how can i achieve this? there's nothing mentioned in the documentation nor in the forums. please help.
<form action="http://mydomain.com/formtools/process.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="form_tools_form_id" value="6" />
Upload: <input type=file name=upfile><br>
Description: <input type=text name=note><br>
<input type=submit value=Press> to upload the file!
my ONLY concern is to resize these uploaded images before transferring it to the server. i dont want 2-3MB image files. all i want is a 80-90 quality JPG images with not more than 800*600 pixels.
how can i achieve this? there's nothing mentioned in the documentation nor in the forums. please help.