Sep 22nd, 2009, 7:58 AM
I have Form Tools 1 installed and working (through what I feel were hacks). My situation here was that I wanted to have two pages of forms with uploads on each page that interfaced with PayPal and it's IPN. These pages weren't really separate; I used CSS and JS to hide/show the first and second page which were really just one big form because I couldn't get the uploaded files to carry over between forms.
Long question short (too late!)..will using the database sessions instead of PHP sessions, which is what I'm assuming Form Tools 1 1.5.1 used, fix my problem with this and allow me to use literal 2 page forms or more?
Long question short (too late!)..will using the database sessions instead of PHP sessions, which is what I'm assuming Form Tools 1 1.5.1 used, fix my problem with this and allow me to use literal 2 page forms or more?