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Joined: Jan 2010
I am trying to get the transaction data available to my success/thankyou page but am not having luck. I have tried turning Pass thru on in the admin but do not get what I have turned on. I have tried the unique_key stuff but also get nothing. How can I get the PayPal transaction id and various other things like the amount and data and time etc and can the transaction id be saved to the database with the rest of the form submission data? I read somewhere in the tutorials that the database gets uploaded with some indication that the transaction was successful or paid but cannot find out where or how to do it.
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Joined: May 2010
I'm not a top level programmer but I was able to get back data on my thank you/success page by making the following modification to my success.php file. (it is included in the files you download for a paypal form)
$curr_folder = dirname(__FILE__);
require_once("../path to your/global/api/api.php"); //change this to point to your api.php file in the global folder.
$fields = ft_api_init_form_page();
$submission_id = $fields["form_tools_submission_id"]; //pulls in the submission id.
$submission_info = ft_get_submission_info(your form id, $submission_id); //replace this with the value of your form id. You can find this in formtools.
//pull in your form fields
$yourfieldname = $submission_info["yourfieldname"]; // use this construct to get all the field names you wish to display to the user.
Hope this helps. Any improvements to the code is more than welcome.
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Joined: Jun 2010
I think Paypal have facility of display everything about the transaction. And if you can't get that then you can make changes in coding that all the data of the transaction will be displayed on the site and only final amount goes to the paypal. That can helps you a lot.
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Joined: Dec 2017
Hello. I am new to these issues, I will be happy with any information.