(Sep 5th, 2010, 6:09 AM)uaenoob Wrote: Hey Diesel
i dont know if this is what your looking for but, done this a while ago and worked like a charm and stopped using it,.. the flash file attached with fla source, they are done in really old way and beginner's , it was 4 years ago SORRY !! i just removed some text and changed some cause it had some text of the client and company details.
Functionally its working fine, all you have to is define the process code in the second frame and form ID in the first frame.
form_tools_form_id = "X";
change the X to your form ID
to add the initialize line, to test it only the first time, after your done remove it ..
i hope i helped ..
Thank you very much for your help. I have uploaded the files, changed the process code location, the form ID, and added the initialize for setting up the form. The problem I'm running into is Form Tools 2.0.2 when I get to the Test Submission step, I fill out the form, submit, but Form Tools never sees it submit, so I can't get past the Test Submission stage.
Any ideas why it's not working? Below is the only code I adjusted.
Frame 1
Stage.showMenu = false;
form_tools_initialize_form = "1";
form_tools_form_id = "66";
// Making the Default Settings
valuebox = ""
companyname = "";
building = "";
pobox = "";
tel = "";
officeno = "";
area = "";
fax = "";
tel1 = "";
tel2 = "";
fax1 = "";
fax2 = "";
website = "";
license = "";
nameofcontact = "";
contactposition = "";
mobile = "";
email = "";
managingname = "";
valuebox1 = "";
valuebox2 = "";
valuebox3 = "";
valuebox4 = "";
valuebox5 = "";
valuebox6 = "";
question1 = "";
other = "";
// Apply Button
apply.onRelease = function() {
valuebox = (valuebox1+valuebox2+valuebox3+valuebox4+valuebox5)
about = (radiobtn1+radiobtn2+radiobtn3+radiobtn4+radiobtn5+radiobtn6+radiobtn7+radiobtn8+radiobtn9+radiobtn10+radiobtn11+radiobtn12+radiobtn13+radiobtn14+radiobtn15+radiobtn16+other);
required._visible = true;
str1 = email.indexOf("@");
str2 = email.indexOf("@")+1;
str3 = email.charAt(str1+1);
str4 = email.lastIndexOf(".");
str5 = email.charAt(str4+1);
len = length(email);
counter = 1;
flag = 0;
while (Number(counter)<=Number(len)) {
Char = substring(email, counter, 1);
if (Char ne "@") {
flag = Number(flag)+1;
counter = Number(counter)+1;
//companyname validation
if (companyname == "") {
condition1 = "";
companynamemark._visible = true;
} else {
condition1 = "ok";
companynamemark._visible = false;
//building validation
if (building == "") {
condition2 = "";
buildingmark._visible = true;
} else {
condition2 = "ok";
buildingmark._visible = false;
//pobox validation
if (pobox == "") {
condition3 = "";
poboxmark._visible = true;
} else {
condition3 = "ok";
poboxmark._visible = false;
//tel validation
if (tel2 == "") {
condition4 = "";
telmark._visible = true;
} else {
condition4 = "ok";
telmark._visible = false;
//officeno validation
if (officeno == "") {
condition5 = "";
officenomark._visible = true;
} else {
condition5 = "ok";
officenomark._visible = false;
//area validation
if (area == "") {
condition6 = "";
areamark._visible = true;
} else {
condition6 = "ok";
areamark._visible = false;
//emirate validation
if (emiratebox.selectedItem.label == "Choose") {
condition7 = "";
emiratemark._visible = true;
} else {
condition7 = "ok";
emiratemark._visible = false;
//fax validation
if (fax2 == "") {
condition8 = "";
faxmark._visible = true;
} else {
condition8 = "ok";
faxmark._visible = false;
//businessactivity validation
if (businessactivitybox.selectedItem.label == "Choose") {
condition9 = "";
businessactivitymark._visible = true;
} else {
condition9 = "ok";
businessactivitymark._visible = false;
//license validation
if (license == "") {
condition10 = "";
licensemark._visible = true;
} else {
condition10 = "ok";
licensemark._visible = false;
//staffnumber validation
if (staffnumberbox.selectedItem.label == "Choose") {
condition11 = "";
staffnumbermark._visible = true;
} else {
condition11 = "ok";
staffnumbermark._visible = false;
//income validation
if (incomebox.selectedItem.label == "Choose") {
condition12 = "";
incomemark._visible = true;
} else {
condition12 = "ok";
incomemark._visible = false;
//profit validation
if (profitbox.selectedItem.label == "Choose") {
condition13 = "";
profitmark._visible = true;
} else {
condition13 = "ok";
profitmark._visible = false;
//nameofcontact validation
if (nameofcontact == "") {
condition14 = "";
nameofcontactmark._visible = true;
} else {
condition14 = "ok";
nameofcontactmark._visible = false;
//contactposition validation
if (contactposition == "") {
condition15 = "";
contactpositionmark._visible = true;
} else {
condition15 = "ok";
contactpositionmark._visible = false;
//mobile validation
if (mobile == "") {
condition16 = "";
mobilemark._visible = true;
} else {
condition16 = "ok";
mobilemark._visible = false;
//managingname validation
if (managingname == "") {
condition17 = "";
managingnamemark._visible = true;
} else {
condition17 = "ok";
managingnamemark._visible = false;
//question1 validation
if (question1 == "") {
condition18 = "";
question1mark._visible = true;
} else {
condition18 = "ok";
question1mark._visible = false;
//E-Mail Address validation
if (str4<=str2 || str3 == "." || str5 == "" || Number(flag) != Number(len-1)) {
condition19 = "";
emailmark._visible = true;
} else {
condition19 = "ok";
emailmark._visible = false;
//Catogries validation
if (valuebox == "") {
condition20 = "";
catreq._visible = true;
checkboxes._visible = true;
} else {
condition20 = "ok";
catreq._visible = false;
checkboxes._visible = false;
//Sending Data 2 PHP
if (condition1 == "ok" && condition2 == "ok" && condition3 == "ok" && condition4 == "ok" && condition5 == "ok" && condition6 == "ok" && condition7 == "ok" && condition8 == "ok" && condition9 == "ok" && condition10 == "ok" && condition11 == "ok" && condition12 == "ok" && condition13 == "ok" && condition14 == "ok" && condition15 == "ok" && condition16 == "ok" && condition17 == "ok" && condition18 == "ok" && condition19 == "ok" && condition20 == "ok") {
Frame 2 (Obviously the * I inserted my domain.)
tel = tel1 + " - " + tel2;
fax = fax1 + " - " + fax2;
http://********.com/secure/process.php", 0, "POST");
loadVariablesNum(feedbackpath+"?companyname="+companyname+"&building="+building+"&pobox="+pobox+"&tel="+tel+"&officeno="+officeno+"&area="+area+"&emirate="+emirate+"&fax="+fax+"&website="+website+"&businessactivity="+businessactivity+"&license="+license+"&staffnumber="+staffnumber+"&income="+income+"&profit="+profit+"&nameofcontact="+nameofcontact+"&contactposition="+contactposition+"&mobile="+mobile+"&email="+email+"&managingname="+managingname+"&valuebox="+valuebox+"&question1="+question1+"&about="+about, 0);