Jun 17th, 2012, 2:23 PM
I am trying to integrate a form created in SERIF WEBPLUS with FT.
I have two problems which I think spring from the same issue and I am not sure if I am banging my head against a brick wall.
I can create a single page form and get it to submit to FT (and am able to access the results - no problem) but when the page refreshes it is a blank version of the original form page (ie no redirect and an entirely blank page).
Likewise when trying to create multi page forms I enter the data on the first page and then after "Next" the page is simply blank.
Anyone any ideas please?
A one page form below:
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$fields = ft_api_init_form_page("13");
$params = array(
"submit_button" => "Submit",
"next_page" => "ci-receipt.php",
"form_data" => $_POST,
"file_data" => $_FILES,
"finalize" => true
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<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C4">NEW Registration -<wbr> Cosmetic Injectables:</span></p>
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<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C5">Please use this form ONLY if you are registering a new individual or organisation.</span></p>
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<option value="" selected __AddCode="here">Select One</option>
<option value="Limited Company" __AddCode="here">Limited Company</option>
<option value="Partnership" __AddCode="here">Partnership</option>
<option value="Individual" __AddCode="here">Individual</option>
<option value="Limited Liability Partnership" __AddCode="here">Limited Liability Partnership</option>
<!-- Combo Box combo_34 -->
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<option value="" selected __AddCode="here">Select One</option>
<option value="Individual Practitioner" __AddCode="here">Individual Practitioner</option>
<option value="Organisation" __AddCode="here">Organisation</option>
<!-- Form Edit box edit_104 -->
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<!-- Combo Box combo_36 -->
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<option value="" selected __AddCode="here">Select One</option>
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<option value="GDC" __AddCode="here">GDC</option>
<option value="NMC" __AddCode="here">NMC</option>
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<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C0">Details of the Treatments Provided:</span></p>
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<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Email Address:</span></p>
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<div id="txt_401" style="position:absolute;left:526px;top:356px;width:134px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Telephone Number:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Lead Practitioner's FULL txt_402 -->
<div id="txt_402" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:453px;width:256px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Lead Practitioner's FULL Name</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Professional Regulator txt_403 -->
<div id="txt_403" style="position:absolute;left:675px;top:437px;width:191px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Professional Regulator</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Registration Number txt_404 -->
<div id="txt_404" style="position:absolute;left:675px;top:465px;width:138px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Registration Number</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Botulinum Toxin txt_405 -->
<div id="txt_405" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:534px;width:139px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Botulinum Toxin</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Dermal Fillers txt_406 -->
<div id="txt_406" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:564px;width:119px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Dermal Fillers</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Other Services txt_407 -->
<div id="txt_407" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:594px;width:125px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Other Services</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Please Specify txt_408 -->
<div id="txt_408" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:624px;width:129px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Please Specify</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Submit Policies & txt_414 -->
<div id="txt_414" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:702px;width:626px;height:39px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Submit Policies & Procedures for Injectable Cosmetic Treatments: </span><span class="Body-C-C5">(This file MUST
be page numbered and contain ALL of the policies required in the Standards)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Evidence of Training & txt_409 -->
<div id="txt_409" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:752px;width:625px;height:70px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Evidence of Training & Qualification of Practitioner(s) </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Primary Clinical
Qualification, postgraduate training, training in injectable cosmetic treatments,
review of clinical competencies, training in safe handling of medicines, BLS/ILS/ALS
training certificates, complaints handling and infection control)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Human Resources: (Includin txt_415 -->
<div id="txt_415" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:833px;width:625px;height:60px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Human Resources: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including full HR checklist of Practitioner’s qualification, accreditation
and insurance, sample signature sheet confirming reading of policies, copy of confidentiality
agreement which would be signed by staff on employment)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Patient Records: txt_416 -->
<div id="txt_416" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:903px;width:624px;height:38px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Patient Records: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Anonymised patient consultation, assessment and care
plan, sample of patient medication prescription)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Information for Patients: txt_417 -->
<div id="txt_417" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:950px;width:624px;height:40px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Information for Patients: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Patient Guide covering complaints process,
confidentiality, consultation, treatment fees, contractual obligations and payment
<!-- HTML Frame - Information Relating to txt_418 -->
<div id="txt_418" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:999px;width:626px;height:41px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Information Relating to Complaints: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Monthly analysis of complaints evidence
of clinical governance meetings and learning from complaints.)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Monitoring Quality: txt_419 -->
<div id="txt_419" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1049px;width:628px;height:52px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Monitoring Quality: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Sample of Patient Satisfaction Survey, sample audit
of injectables and medical devices -<wbr> evidence of effective procurement, supply, documentation,
administration, disposal and review.)</span></p>
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<div id="txt_420" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1108px;width:630px;height:52px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Business Items: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: evidence of registration with the Information Commissioner,
copy of current insurance/indemnity including the schedule which itemises treatments
you are covered to provide.)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Items Relating to Premises txt_421 -->
<div id="txt_421" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1171px;width:629px;height:38px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C8">Items Relating to Premises and Equipment: </span><span class="Body-C-C9">(Including: infection control report/action
plan, copy of daily checklist of resuscitation equipment, health and safety report)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Additional Evidence 1 - txt_422 -->
<div id="txt_422" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1263px;width:294px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Additional Evidence 1 -<wbr> Description</span></p>
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<div id="txt_423" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1368px;width:294px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Additional Evidence 2 -<wbr> Description</span></p>
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<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Additional Evidence 3 -<wbr> Description</span></p>
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<p class="Wp-Body-P"><label for="butn_12"><span class="Body-C-C6">Additional Evidence 4 -<wbr> Description</span></label></p>
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<input type="submit" style="position:absolute; left:783px; top:1884px; width:81px; height:22px; /*Tag Style*/" id="butn_12" name="Submit" value="Submit" __AddCode="here">
<!-- HTML Frame - Additional evidence you ma txt_426 -->
<div id="txt_426" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1232px;width:431px;height:23px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C0">Additional evidence you may wish to submit:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Declaration: txt_202 -->
<div id="txt_202" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1678px;width:940px;height:142px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C10">Declaration:<br></span><span class="Body-C-C6">I declare that I have read the appropriate standards and confirm, both
personally and on behalf of my organisation that I/we comply with the standards at
all locations from which we provide services. </span></p>
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">I also confirm that I/we will continue to operate in accordance with the standards
during the whole period of my/our registration. By typing my name below I confirm
that the information provided in this application is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.</span></p>
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">I/we agree to the TYCT terms and conditions (to read click <a href="TYCT Registration TandC ver1.0.pdf" target="_blank" onclick="var w = window.open(this.href,'_blank','width=700,height=500,left=100,top=100,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no'); if( w != null ){ w.focus(); }; return false;" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="TYCT Registration T&C ver1.0">HERE</a>)</span></p>
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<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C11">Type your name as your electronic signature:</span></p>
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<input type="text" name="Electronic_Signature" value="" style="position:absolute; left:427px; top:1832px; width:303px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
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<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C12">Please check all data thoroughly before pressing SUBMIT.</span></p>
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I am trying to integrate a form created in SERIF WEBPLUS with FT.
I have two problems which I think spring from the same issue and I am not sure if I am banging my head against a brick wall.
I can create a single page form and get it to submit to FT (and am able to access the results - no problem) but when the page refreshes it is a blank version of the original form page (ie no redirect and an entirely blank page).
Likewise when trying to create multi page forms I enter the data on the first page and then after "Next" the page is simply blank.
Anyone any ideas please?
A one page form below:
<!--Page Preamble-->
$fields = ft_api_init_form_page("13");
$params = array(
"submit_button" => "Submit",
"next_page" => "ci-receipt.php",
"form_data" => $_POST,
"file_data" => $_FILES,
"finalize" => true
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<!-- HTML Frame - NEW Registration - Cosmeti txt_152 -->
<div id="txt_152" style="position:absolute;left:23px;top:175px;width:386px;height:29px; background-color:#ffffff;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C4">NEW Registration -<wbr> Cosmetic Injectables:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Please use this form ONLY txt_391 -->
<div id="txt_391" style="position:absolute;left:416px;top:180px;width:560px;height:23px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C5">Please use this form ONLY if you are registering a new individual or organisation.</span></p>
<!-- Form form_30 -->
<form id="form_30" name="COSMETIC_REGISTRATION" action="ci-receipt.php" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post" target="_self" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="margin:0px; /*MainDivStyle*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form Edit box edit_114 -->
<input type="text" name="Organisation_Name" value="" style="position:absolute; left:278px; top:259px; width:334px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form Edit box edit_103 -->
<input type="text" name="Contact_Name" value="" style="position:absolute; left:279px; top:293px; width:334px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Combo Box combo_33 -->
<select name="Type_of_Business" size="1" style="position:absolute; left:780px; top:258px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<option value="" selected __AddCode="here">Select One</option>
<option value="Limited Company" __AddCode="here">Limited Company</option>
<option value="Partnership" __AddCode="here">Partnership</option>
<option value="Individual" __AddCode="here">Individual</option>
<option value="Limited Liability Partnership" __AddCode="here">Limited Liability Partnership</option>
<!-- Combo Box combo_34 -->
<select name="Type_of_Registration" size="1" style="position:absolute; left:815px; top:287px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<option value="" selected __AddCode="here">Select One</option>
<option value="Individual Practitioner" __AddCode="here">Individual Practitioner</option>
<option value="Organisation" __AddCode="here">Organisation</option>
<!-- Form Edit box edit_104 -->
<input type="text" name="Address_1" value="" style="position:absolute; left:146px; top:331px; width:336px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form Edit box edit_105 -->
<input type="text" name="Address_2" value="" style="position:absolute; left:146px; top:358px; width:335px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form Edit box edit_106 -->
<input type="text" name="City" value="" style="position:absolute; left:146px; top:385px; width:334px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form Edit box edit_107 -->
<input type="text" name="Post_code" value="" style="position:absolute; left:146px; top:411px; width:138px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form Edit box edit_108 -->
<input type="text" name="Email" value="" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:328px; width:267px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form Edit box edit_109 -->
<input type="text" name="Phone_No" value="" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:356px; width:266px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form Edit box edit_110 -->
<input type="text" name="Lead_Practitioner" value="" style="position:absolute; left:308px; top:452px; width:354px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Combo Box combo_36 -->
<select name="Prof_Org" size="1" style="position:absolute; left:873px; top:437px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<option value="" selected __AddCode="here">Select One</option>
<option value="GMC" __AddCode="here">GMC</option>
<option value="GDC" __AddCode="here">GDC</option>
<option value="NMC" __AddCode="here">NMC</option>
<!-- Form Edit box edit_112 -->
<input type="text" name="Registration_No" value="" style="position:absolute; left:819px; top:465px; width:149px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Checkbox check_9 -->
<input type="checkbox" name="Botulinum" style="position:absolute; left:185px; top:535px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Checkbox check_10 -->
<input type="checkbox" name="Dermal_Fillers" style="position:absolute; left:185px; top:565px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Checkbox check_11 -->
<input type="checkbox" name="Other" style="position:absolute; left:185px; top:595px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form Edit box edit_113 -->
<input type="text" name="Other_Services" value="" style="position:absolute; left:185px; top:625px; width:327px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form File Browser file_53 -->
<input type="file" name="Common_Policies" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:702px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form File Browser file_49 -->
<input type="file" name="Training" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:752px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form File Browser file_51 -->
<input type="file" name="Human_Resources" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:833px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form File Browser file_52 -->
<input type="file" name="Patient_Records" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:903px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form File Browser file_54 -->
<input type="file" name="Information_for_Patients" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:947px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form File Browser file_55 -->
<input type="file" name="Complaints" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:996px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form File Browser file_56 -->
<input type="file" name="Monitoring_Quality" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:1050px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form File Browser file_57 -->
<input type="file" name="Business_Items" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:1107px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Form File Browser file_58 -->
<input type="file" name="Premises_and_Equipment" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:1167px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Text Area text_7 -->
<textarea name="Additional_1" rows="4" cols="76" style="position:absolute; left:35px; top:1285px; width:631px; height:70px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here"></textarea>
<!-- Form File Browser file_59 -->
<input type="file" name="Additional_Evidence_1" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:1283px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Text Area text_8 -->
<textarea name="Additional_2" rows="4" cols="76" style="position:absolute; left:35px; top:1388px; width:631px; height:70px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here"></textarea>
<!-- Form File Browser file_60 -->
<input type="file" name="Additional_Evidence_2" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:1387px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Text Area text_9 -->
<textarea name="Additional_3" rows="4" cols="76" style="position:absolute; left:35px; top:1488px; width:630px; height:70px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here"></textarea>
<!-- Form File Browser file_61 -->
<input type="file" name="Additional_Evidence_3" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:1488px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- Text Area text_10 -->
<textarea name="Additional_4" rows="4" cols="76" style="position:absolute; left:35px; top:1594px; width:629px; height:70px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here"></textarea>
<!-- Form File Browser file_62 -->
<input type="file" name="Additional_Evidence_4" size="32" style="position:absolute; left:675px; top:1594px; width:300px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
<!-- HTML Frame - Details of the Treatments txt_411 -->
<div id="txt_411" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:500px;width:431px;height:23px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C0">Details of the Treatments Provided:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Details of the Organisatio txt_412 -->
<div id="txt_412" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:224px;width:431px;height:23px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C0">Details of the Organisation or Individual:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Evidence which must be txt_413 -->
<div id="txt_413" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:670px;width:431px;height:23px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C0">Evidence which must be submitted:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Type of Business txt_392 -->
<div id="txt_392" style="position:absolute;left:627px;top:258px;width:146px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Type of Business</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Organisation or Individual txt_393 -->
<div id="txt_393" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:259px;width:239px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Organisation or Individual Name*</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Type of Registration txt_394 -->
<div id="txt_394" style="position:absolute;left:628px;top:289px;width:151px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Type of Registration</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Contact Name: txt_395 -->
<div id="txt_395" style="position:absolute;left:36px;top:293px;width:137px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Contact Name:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Address 1 txt_396 -->
<div id="txt_396" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:331px;width:87px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Address 1</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Address 2 txt_397 -->
<div id="txt_397" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:358px;width:87px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Address 2</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - City txt_398 -->
<div id="txt_398" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:385px;width:38px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">City</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Post Code txt_399 -->
<div id="txt_399" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:410px;width:89px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Post Code</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Email Address: txt_400 -->
<div id="txt_400" style="position:absolute;left:527px;top:328px;width:122px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Email Address:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Telephone Number: txt_401 -->
<div id="txt_401" style="position:absolute;left:526px;top:356px;width:134px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Telephone Number:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Lead Practitioner's FULL txt_402 -->
<div id="txt_402" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:453px;width:256px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Lead Practitioner's FULL Name</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Professional Regulator txt_403 -->
<div id="txt_403" style="position:absolute;left:675px;top:437px;width:191px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Professional Regulator</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Registration Number txt_404 -->
<div id="txt_404" style="position:absolute;left:675px;top:465px;width:138px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Registration Number</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Botulinum Toxin txt_405 -->
<div id="txt_405" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:534px;width:139px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Botulinum Toxin</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Dermal Fillers txt_406 -->
<div id="txt_406" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:564px;width:119px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Dermal Fillers</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Other Services txt_407 -->
<div id="txt_407" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:594px;width:125px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Other Services</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Please Specify txt_408 -->
<div id="txt_408" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:624px;width:129px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Please Specify</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Submit Policies & txt_414 -->
<div id="txt_414" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:702px;width:626px;height:39px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Submit Policies & Procedures for Injectable Cosmetic Treatments: </span><span class="Body-C-C5">(This file MUST
be page numbered and contain ALL of the policies required in the Standards)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Evidence of Training & txt_409 -->
<div id="txt_409" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:752px;width:625px;height:70px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Evidence of Training & Qualification of Practitioner(s) </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Primary Clinical
Qualification, postgraduate training, training in injectable cosmetic treatments,
review of clinical competencies, training in safe handling of medicines, BLS/ILS/ALS
training certificates, complaints handling and infection control)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Human Resources: (Includin txt_415 -->
<div id="txt_415" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:833px;width:625px;height:60px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Human Resources: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including full HR checklist of Practitioner’s qualification, accreditation
and insurance, sample signature sheet confirming reading of policies, copy of confidentiality
agreement which would be signed by staff on employment)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Patient Records: txt_416 -->
<div id="txt_416" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:903px;width:624px;height:38px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Patient Records: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Anonymised patient consultation, assessment and care
plan, sample of patient medication prescription)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Information for Patients: txt_417 -->
<div id="txt_417" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:950px;width:624px;height:40px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Information for Patients: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Patient Guide covering complaints process,
confidentiality, consultation, treatment fees, contractual obligations and payment
<!-- HTML Frame - Information Relating to txt_418 -->
<div id="txt_418" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:999px;width:626px;height:41px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Information Relating to Complaints: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Monthly analysis of complaints evidence
of clinical governance meetings and learning from complaints.)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Monitoring Quality: txt_419 -->
<div id="txt_419" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1049px;width:628px;height:52px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Monitoring Quality: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: Sample of Patient Satisfaction Survey, sample audit
of injectables and medical devices -<wbr> evidence of effective procurement, supply, documentation,
administration, disposal and review.)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Business Items: (Including txt_420 -->
<div id="txt_420" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1108px;width:630px;height:52px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">Business Items: </span><span class="Body-C-C6">(Including: evidence of registration with the Information Commissioner,
copy of current insurance/indemnity including the schedule which itemises treatments
you are covered to provide.)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Items Relating to Premises txt_421 -->
<div id="txt_421" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1171px;width:629px;height:38px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C8">Items Relating to Premises and Equipment: </span><span class="Body-C-C9">(Including: infection control report/action
plan, copy of daily checklist of resuscitation equipment, health and safety report)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Additional Evidence 1 - txt_422 -->
<div id="txt_422" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1263px;width:294px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Additional Evidence 1 -<wbr> Description</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Additional Evidence 2 - txt_423 -->
<div id="txt_423" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1368px;width:294px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Additional Evidence 2 -<wbr> Description</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Additional Evidence 3 - txt_424 -->
<div id="txt_424" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1466px;width:294px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">Additional Evidence 3 -<wbr> Description</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Additional Evidence 4 - txt_425 -->
<div id="txt_425" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1574px;width:294px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><label for="butn_12"><span class="Body-C-C6">Additional Evidence 4 -<wbr> Description</span></label></p>
<!-- Form Button butn_12 -->
<input type="submit" style="position:absolute; left:783px; top:1884px; width:81px; height:22px; /*Tag Style*/" id="butn_12" name="Submit" value="Submit" __AddCode="here">
<!-- HTML Frame - Additional evidence you ma txt_426 -->
<div id="txt_426" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1232px;width:431px;height:23px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C0">Additional evidence you may wish to submit:</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Declaration: txt_202 -->
<div id="txt_202" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1678px;width:940px;height:142px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C10">Declaration:<br></span><span class="Body-C-C6">I declare that I have read the appropriate standards and confirm, both
personally and on behalf of my organisation that I/we comply with the standards at
all locations from which we provide services. </span></p>
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C6">I also confirm that I/we will continue to operate in accordance with the standards
during the whole period of my/our registration. By typing my name below I confirm
that the information provided in this application is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.</span></p>
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C7">I/we agree to the TYCT terms and conditions (to read click <a href="TYCT Registration TandC ver1.0.pdf" target="_blank" onclick="var w = window.open(this.href,'_blank','width=700,height=500,left=100,top=100,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no'); if( w != null ){ w.focus(); }; return false;" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="TYCT Registration T&C ver1.0">HERE</a>)</span></p>
<!-- HTML Frame - Type your name as your txt_203 -->
<div id="txt_203" style="position:absolute;left:35px;top:1832px;width:378px;height:20px;overflow:hidden; /*BorderDivStyle*/" __AddCode="InsideBorderDiv">
<p class="Wp-Body-P"><span class="Body-C-C11">Type your name as your electronic signature:</span></p>
<!-- Form Edit box edit_20 -->
<input type="text" name="Electronic_Signature" value="" style="position:absolute; left:427px; top:1832px; width:303px; /*Tag Style*/" __AddCode="here">
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