Jun 8th, 2010, 11:01 AM
I have two forms, one has ~1600 submissions, the other has ~400
The one with 400 only displays 10/page and has a pager to go from page to page.
The one with 1600 displays all 1600 on one page, which is a pain because its sloooow. In chrome if I wait long enough it loads, but the client isn't patient and wants to be able to export his list.
Checking for updates, it says my API is out of date, I am running: 1.0.0-beta-20090908
Should I upgrade this (is it painless.., will it fix it?)
I couldn't find any settings in the UI, and browsing the DB I couldn't find anything either.
The one with 400 only displays 10/page and has a pager to go from page to page.
The one with 1600 displays all 1600 on one page, which is a pain because its sloooow. In chrome if I wait long enough it loads, but the client isn't patient and wants to be able to export his list.
Checking for updates, it says my API is out of date, I am running: 1.0.0-beta-20090908
Should I upgrade this (is it painless.., will it fix it?)
I couldn't find any settings in the UI, and browsing the DB I couldn't find anything either.