That is one wacky error! You should never get redirected to that page in any situation. So it looks like maybe the files didn't survive the trip when you FTP'd them to your web server.
It's also possible PHP isn't enabled on your server...?
Personally, I'd start by creating a phpinfo.php file, with the following content:
PHP Code:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Upload that to your web server and load it up in your browser. That will let you know about your PHP environment - and in the very least, confirm that PHP is running.
This really doesn't make much sense... at no point does the script redirect to the license, so there must be something wrong with the files that were uploaded to the servers.
Did you download Form Tools from this site, or from another source?
If you're totally stumped and don't mind giving me temporary FTP access, email me your FTP login info and URL and I'll take a look at it directly. (
I think the files went corrupt (?) the first time downloading.
I downloaded the beta version from your site and uploaded them. Install is running ok now