Sep 1st, 2009, 5:54 PM
Hey Kevin,
The solution I was working on also used Flex. Flex Professional comes with some really attractive and usable graphing components, which - even though they're pretty sizable (generally >150KB per file) - I thought it was a better approach to a JS one. At the time I couldn't find a really decent JS-based library for generating attractive graphs and I wasn't about to develop my own [plus the other reason was that I wanted to play around with Flex - this gave me a good excuse!]
But unfortunately no, I won't be able to take on any other contract work right now. I actually have a full time job and a few small contracts I take on in my spare time. That, plus Form Tools-related work and my time is pretty full.
I'm very close to finishing the Form Tools Wordpress plugin, then I'll be more in a position to size up what needs doing. This is pretty high on the list, but I won't beat around the bush - I may not get to it for another couple of months at least.
All the best!
- Ben
The solution I was working on also used Flex. Flex Professional comes with some really attractive and usable graphing components, which - even though they're pretty sizable (generally >150KB per file) - I thought it was a better approach to a JS one. At the time I couldn't find a really decent JS-based library for generating attractive graphs and I wasn't about to develop my own [plus the other reason was that I wanted to play around with Flex - this gave me a good excuse!]
But unfortunately no, I won't be able to take on any other contract work right now. I actually have a full time job and a few small contracts I take on in my spare time. That, plus Form Tools-related work and my time is pretty full.
I'm very close to finishing the Form Tools Wordpress plugin, then I'll be more in a position to size up what needs doing. This is pretty high on the list, but I won't beat around the bush - I may not get to it for another couple of months at least.
All the best!
- Ben