Sep 1st, 2009, 6:05 PM
Sorry for the wait - hectic week!
I just took a look at it and I don't get that error myself. Also, there's no mysql_fetch_assoc function on that line. What version of the API are you running? (You can find out by looking at the top of the api.php file, or logging into Form Tools and going to the Settings -> Main tab.
If it's not 1.0.0-beta-20090614 you'll need to update.
- Ben
Sorry for the wait - hectic week!
I just took a look at it and I don't get that error myself. Also, there's no mysql_fetch_assoc function on that line. What version of the API are you running? (You can find out by looking at the top of the api.php file, or logging into Form Tools and going to the Settings -> Main tab.
If it's not 1.0.0-beta-20090614 you'll need to update.
- Ben