Changing the KEY got rid of the sql error, but I'm still having some troubles...
While I no longer get errors, I just get the **This email already exists** (submission isn't unique) error... regardless of the entry. I wiped the form clean of submissions and still nothing.
Here's the change I made to the code:
EDIT: If it's important to note, the data type for the column is set as "string"
And I also modified the email input itself from
To without the value at all.
Here's the demo again...
Thanks for your help!
While I no longer get errors, I just get the **This email already exists** (submission isn't unique) error... regardless of the entry. I wiped the form clean of submissions and still nothing.
Here's the change I made to the code:
PHP Code:
$criteria = array(
"col_1" => $_POST["email"]
EDIT: If it's important to note, the data type for the column is set as "string"
And I also modified the email input itself from
<input type="text" name="email" size="30" value="<?=htmlspecialchars(@$fields["email"])?>">
To without the value at all.
Here's the demo again...
Thanks for your help!