Sep 30th, 2014, 3:42 AM
I think there's a bit of confusion in both your question and the terminology that is used in the Option Lists. Maybe that's where you are getting hung up. You (and Form Tools) use the word "field" in relation to both the form setup, and the Option Lists. So I'll be specific and state whether I'm talking about a form (database) field or an Option List field.
You mention having 3 items and 3 fields. Without knowing what you data is, I'll try to run through the option list process.
When setting up an Option List, remember that the Option List MIGHT be very specific and will only be used with one form (database) field. OR it MIGHT be very generic and can be used with multiple form fields. (An Option List with two entries, one Y and one N, would be a good example of an Option List used with multiple form fields.)
So maybe your Option List is named Shirt Sizes Option List. When you create the Option List, you need three fields for the options that you want to select: Small, Medium and Large. In the first line, for Field Value, you probably want to enter: S and for the Display Text you would probably enter: Small. Repeat for the other two lines using M and L for the Field Value and Medium and Large for the Display Text.
The Field Value will be the actual data stored in the database. The Display Text is what will show NEXT TO the checkbox on the View. You might think of that as the "label". In many cases, you might use the same value for both Field Value and Display Text. This would work if you wanted to both display and store the value: Small instead of storing: S in the database.
One other point of clarification: Your Option List needs to have as many lines (fields) in it as you have options for that particular list. Your whole form may need multiple Options Lists to provide the various options that are needed for different form fields. (Shirt Size, Language, Yes-No, Favorite Color, would all require different Option Lists.)
I hope I have this right, and hope it helps answer your questions. If it's still not making sense, it might help to have more specific information about the data you are using for both the form fields and the possible options for each form field. And it would also help to have examples of what you've entered and how it's not working correctly.
I think there's a bit of confusion in both your question and the terminology that is used in the Option Lists. Maybe that's where you are getting hung up. You (and Form Tools) use the word "field" in relation to both the form setup, and the Option Lists. So I'll be specific and state whether I'm talking about a form (database) field or an Option List field.
You mention having 3 items and 3 fields. Without knowing what you data is, I'll try to run through the option list process.
When setting up an Option List, remember that the Option List MIGHT be very specific and will only be used with one form (database) field. OR it MIGHT be very generic and can be used with multiple form fields. (An Option List with two entries, one Y and one N, would be a good example of an Option List used with multiple form fields.)
So maybe your Option List is named Shirt Sizes Option List. When you create the Option List, you need three fields for the options that you want to select: Small, Medium and Large. In the first line, for Field Value, you probably want to enter: S and for the Display Text you would probably enter: Small. Repeat for the other two lines using M and L for the Field Value and Medium and Large for the Display Text.
The Field Value will be the actual data stored in the database. The Display Text is what will show NEXT TO the checkbox on the View. You might think of that as the "label". In many cases, you might use the same value for both Field Value and Display Text. This would work if you wanted to both display and store the value: Small instead of storing: S in the database.
One other point of clarification: Your Option List needs to have as many lines (fields) in it as you have options for that particular list. Your whole form may need multiple Options Lists to provide the various options that are needed for different form fields. (Shirt Size, Language, Yes-No, Favorite Color, would all require different Option Lists.)
I hope I have this right, and hope it helps answer your questions. If it's still not making sense, it might help to have more specific information about the data you are using for both the form fields and the possible options for each form field. And it would also help to have examples of what you've entered and how it's not working correctly.