(Feb 9th, 2015, 10:13 AM)Mservices Wrote: version 2.2.6
internal form.
Ran the system check. all fine.....
Database fine....
All worked fine til now :-(
I use FT on several domains without problems but now i'm stuck with a very annoying problem
After submitting around 80 entry's today, all of a sudden i can no longer edit submissions.
When i click on view, i can see all my submissions, but when i click the edit button for any of the submissions i get a blank page.
The "add" button adds a new submission but doesn't show the form. when i go back i can see FT created a new submission but again i cannot edit it. but i can delete it.
With chrome/ inspect element i found out it has some thing to do with a "500
Internal Server Error"
I would really appreciate some help!
After backing up everything, tried the following with no result:
Clean installation, changed Global/config.php to link to the DB with my entries, problem remains the same, so somehow there must be something going on with the database....
Tried to backup the form, with "form backup" but that won't run either... blank page.
I can however use the download/export utility... it copies all entries to excel file fine...
Usually,"500 internal server error" has to do something with permissions, but i didn't change them...
tried different browser, same problem...
"edit submission" give a 500 internal server error and "add submission gives a "302
Moved Temporarily" error, all else seems to work fine....
created a new form just for testing and that works fine, no errors, so no corrupt files i guess...
Only thing i can think of is that i was adding an option to a "option list" when at the same time my partner was adding a submission...