Nov 17th, 2009, 12:51 PM
(Nov 17th, 2009, 11:58 AM)Ben Wrote: Hi Nytsua,
Any HTML entered into the HTML templates *should* be rendered as HTML. But if you add HTML into the text template, it'll probably just appear as is - since email clients will render it as text.
Is that the problem, do you think?
- Ben
You're right, I'm trying to do this in the html template. I understand that html will be rendered as html, rightly so, however is there a way to encode it so it looks like the code but isn't rendered?
So far what I've tried doing is encoding the '<' and '>' to ≶ and lgt; but it still converts that to html. I also tried using the <code> tag but that didn't work (not too surprising).