Jan 31st, 2010, 11:03 AM
Interesting... I sometimes get this error when I try logging in because I go to "mysite.com" instead of "www.mysite.com". PHP sessions need the subdomain to the be same otherwise it won't be able to store & access them properly. However, Form Tools *should* redirect after the first failed attempt to the correct subdomain. This wouldn't explain multiple attempts like yours.
Hmm. The inconsistency sounds rather like something's weird going on on your server. Let's try bypassing it altogether: add the following line to your /global/config.php file.
That will tell Form Tools to use database sessions.
Let me know if this helps any.
- Ben
Hmm. The inconsistency sounds rather like something's weird going on on your server. Let's try bypassing it altogether: add the following line to your /global/config.php file.
PHP Code:
$g_session_type = "database";
That will tell Form Tools to use database sessions.
Let me know if this helps any.
- Ben