Feb 25th, 2010, 6:18 AM
Outstanding Ben! Thank you much. I'll give this a shot today!
(Feb 24th, 2010, 10:55 PM)Ben Wrote: Hey Brian,
This was a tough one, I almost gave up. :-)
But here's how you could do it - it's actually not too tricky, but the explanation will take a little while. The only caveat is that you'll need to update one of the functions in the Form Tools core. I'd planned on including the updated function in 2.0.1 beta, but that'll be some time before it's ready - so consider this a pre-release.
Here's how to do it.
(1) Edit your /global/code/submissions.php file and replace the ft_create_blank_submission function with this new code:
PHP Code:/**
* Creates a new blank submission in the database and returns the unique submission ID. If the
* operation fails for whatever reason (e.g. the form doesn't exist), it just returns the empty
* string.
* @param integer $form_id
* @param boolean $is_finalized whether the submission is finalized or not.
function ft_create_blank_submission($form_id, $is_finalized = false)
global $g_table_prefix;
if (!ft_check_form_exists($form_id))
return "";
$now = ft_get_current_datetime();
INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}form_{$form_id} (submission_date, last_modified_date, ip_address)
VALUES ('$now', '$now', '$ip')
$new_submission_id = mysql_insert_id();
extract(ft_process_hooks("end", compact("form_id", "now", "ip", "new_submission_id"), array()), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
return $new_submission_id;
This updated function contains a few updates to pass more information to the hook. I'll explain why that's necessary later.
(2) Add a new field to your form through the Edit Form -> Database tab. Give it these values:
Pass On: (unchecked)
Form Field Name: created_by
Display Text: Created By (Client Account)
Field Size: 20 chars
Data Type: String
Database column: created_by (to edit this field, uncheck the "Auto-generate database column names" checkbox).
(3) Download and install the Hooks Manager module.
After installing it, create a new rule with the following settings:
Status: enabled
Rule Name: Store Who Created Submission
Priority: 50
Hook Type: Code Hook
Code Hook: ft_create_blank_submission, end
PHP Code:
PHP Code:if ($form_id == X)
$account_id = $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["account_id"];
$submission_id = $new_submission_id;
$info = array(
"created_by" => $account_id
ft_update_submission_info($form_id, $submission_id, $info);
Note: you'll need to replace the "X" on the first line of the PHP code to your form ID.
Alright, quick explanation break. At this point, what we've done is create a new field in the database that will store WHO created the submissions. The function that handles the new submission creation is the ft_create_blank_submission() which you just updated. The rule you created through the Hooks Manager runs whenever that function is called, and what it does is store the unique account ID of the client account (or admin account) that clicked the "Add" button.
Finally, the only thing remaining is to limit the submissions that appear for each client account. For this part we can just create a Client Map filter.
1. Edit your form and go to the Views tab, there go to the Filters sub-tab.
2. Add a new Client Map filter with the following settings:
Field: ID
Operator: Equals
Client Field: ID (in the "Core Fields" group in the dropdown).
And we're done. Now, when clients log in they will ONLY see submissions for that form that they themselves have created.
Of course, you'll probably want to update the existing submissions so that they can only been seen by the appropriate client. To do this, I'd suggest just adding that new "created_by" field a View that's only used by you, the administrator. You can then go through each submission and enter in the appropriate client ID for each submission.
Anyway, hope the above doesn't sound too intimidating. It took a little longer to explain than I thought, but the idea is sound: it should work the way you want. :-)
All the best, Brian.
- Ben