Hi swbrown,
This may be a bug... it should be {$g_table_prefix}, but that value should be escaped in the error message. I'll look this over today and get back to you.
[EDIT]: try overwriting your /modules/ft1_data_import/library.php file with the one attached to this post, then try again. You should get the same error message but it should now say exactly what the table is that it can't find (and not see the "{$table_prefix}" bit any more.
Does the table that it complains about actually exist in the database specified?
- Ben
This may be a bug... it should be {$g_table_prefix}, but that value should be escaped in the error message. I'll look this over today and get back to you.
[EDIT]: try overwriting your /modules/ft1_data_import/library.php file with the one attached to this post, then try again. You should get the same error message but it should now say exactly what the table is that it can't find (and not see the "{$table_prefix}" bit any more.
Does the table that it complains about actually exist in the database specified?
- Ben