Apr 13th, 2010, 5:29 AM
Hi Scott,
I just changed the form tables to MyISAM. I tested on a development copy of the database & site first - you may want to do the same in case your issue is different than mine.
I just changed the form tables to MyISAM. I tested on a development copy of the database & site first - you may want to do the same in case your issue is different than mine.
(Apr 12th, 2010, 5:39 PM)Scott Wrote: I too am getting this error. I also have a large form with almost 80 columns in the mysql form table including a file upload. Seems to be related to how much data is being posted. All mysql fields are text or smaller.
Failed query in ft_process_form, /webroot/htdocs/form_too/process.php, line 240:
I would prefer a fix that survives future upgrades but with time to live issues I'll go with what works short term.
BlueRobot did you only change one table from InnoDB to MyISAM? The table (ft_form_2 in my case) that lists the columns?
Ben have you looked at this again?
Apache/2.0.51 (Fedora)
MySQL 5.0.18-standard
PHP Version 5.1.2