Dec 20th, 2016, 9:15 AM
I also found this code not working.
I took the main if statement and applied it to the standard template in export manager as below, all I added was the '{if $value!= ""}' & {/if}'
Hope this explanation helps someone.[/code]
I took the main if statement and applied it to the standard template in export manager as below, all I added was the '{if $value!= ""}' & {/if}'
Hope this explanation helps someone.[/code]
<h1>{$form_name} - {$view_name}</h1>
{foreach from=$submissions item=submission name=row}
{assign var=submission_id value=$submission.submission_id}
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
class="print_table one_item">
{foreach from=$display_fields item=field_info}
{assign var=col_name value=$field_info.col_name}
{assign var=value value=$submission.$col_name}
{if $value != ""}
<th width="140">{$field_info.field_title}</th>
{smart_display_field form_id=$form_id view_id=$view_id
submission_id=$submission_id field_info=$field_info
field_types=$field_types settings=$settings value=$value}
{if !$smarty.foreach.row.last}
<div class="no_print"><i>- {$LANG.phrase_new_page} -</i></div>
<br class="page_break" />