*** IMPORTANT!! ***
It looks like your site has been hacked. The file you linked to contains some cross-site scripting code to set a cookie and redirect to a different URL. Even if it's not working, it means your site was compromised at some point.
I'd suggest contacting your hosting provider as soon as possible to see if they can shed some light on this.
My own site got hacked once due to me running an older version of Wordpress. Unfortunately, it can be an absolute devil figuring out where the security hole lay.
I can assure you though that Form Tools is pretty secure - I very much doubt that it would be the cause.
Good luck...!
- Ben
It looks like your site has been hacked. The file you linked to contains some cross-site scripting code to set a cookie and redirect to a different URL. Even if it's not working, it means your site was compromised at some point.
I'd suggest contacting your hosting provider as soon as possible to see if they can shed some light on this.
My own site got hacked once due to me running an older version of Wordpress. Unfortunately, it can be an absolute devil figuring out where the security hole lay.
I can assure you though that Form Tools is pretty secure - I very much doubt that it would be the cause.
Good luck...!
- Ben