May 22nd, 2010, 11:00 PM
I'm not a top level programmer but I was able to get back data on my thank you/success page by making the following modification to my success.php file. (it is included in the files you download for a paypal form)
$curr_folder = dirname(__FILE__);
require_once("../path to your/global/api/api.php"); //change this to point to your api.php file in the global folder.
$fields = ft_api_init_form_page();
$submission_id = $fields["form_tools_submission_id"]; //pulls in the submission id.
$submission_info = ft_get_submission_info(your form id, $submission_id); //replace this with the value of your form id. You can find this in formtools.
//pull in your form fields
$yourfieldname = $submission_info["yourfieldname"]; // use this construct to get all the field names you wish to display to the user.
Hope this helps. Any improvements to the code is more than welcome.
$curr_folder = dirname(__FILE__);
require_once("../path to your/global/api/api.php"); //change this to point to your api.php file in the global folder.
$fields = ft_api_init_form_page();
$submission_id = $fields["form_tools_submission_id"]; //pulls in the submission id.
$submission_info = ft_get_submission_info(your form id, $submission_id); //replace this with the value of your form id. You can find this in formtools.
//pull in your form fields
$yourfieldname = $submission_info["yourfieldname"]; // use this construct to get all the field names you wish to display to the user.
Hope this helps. Any improvements to the code is more than welcome.