Mar 17th, 2009, 10:10 PM
Hey Tony,
I actually don't know quite what you mean. Do you mean just grab the user's info for tracking purposes? If so, you'll need to extract it from the PHP $_SERVER variable.
Try this. In your web page, add this:
That will output all the values available at your disposal. HTTP_USER_AGENT and REMOTE_HOST are two that are commonly available, so you'd use them like:
Hope this helps!
I actually don't know quite what you mean. Do you mean just grab the user's info for tracking purposes? If so, you'll need to extract it from the PHP $_SERVER variable.
Try this. In your web page, add this:
PHP Code:
<?php print_r($_SERVER); ?>
That will output all the values available at your disposal. HTTP_USER_AGENT and REMOTE_HOST are two that are commonly available, so you'd use them like:
<input type="hidden" name="env_report" value="<?=$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]?>,<?=$_SERVER["REMOTE_HOST"]?>" />
Hope this helps!