Jul 17th, 2010, 9:25 AM
Hi Devvy,
No worries! First off, the reason your JS validation isn't working is because there's some JS errors in the page. Nasty thing about javascript is that it doesn't handle errors well (unless you explicitly tell it to), so if there's an error, most times it just stops processing any more code.
Glancing it over, there are two problems:
1. On line 39, this should be "rules.push":
2. Secondly, this chunk of code at the bottom references a document.order_form object. I don't see order_form anywhere - but it looks like it's referencing a form. To fix it, just add a name="order_form" attribute to the appropriate form tag.
With regard to skipping the validation step, that most likely means that you're just feeding the ft_api_process_form() function the wrong URL to link to for the next page. Double check your PHP at the top of that page.
Good luck!
- Ben
No worries! First off, the reason your JS validation isn't working is because there's some JS errors in the page. Nasty thing about javascript is that it doesn't handle errors well (unless you explicitly tell it to), so if there's an error, most times it just stops processing any more code.
Glancing it over, there are two problems:
1. On line 39, this should be "rules.push":
//Billing Info
ules.push("required,BILLINGFIRSTNAME,Please enter Billing First Name.");
2. Secondly, this chunk of code at the bottom references a document.order_form object. I don't see order_form anywhere - but it looks like it's referencing a form. To fix it, just add a name="order_form" attribute to the appropriate form tag.
verify = new verifynotify();
verify.field1 = document.order_form.EMAIL;
verify.field2 = document.order_form.EMAILCONFIRM;
verify.result_id = "email_result";
verify.match_html = "<SPAN STYLE=\"color:blue\">Verified!<\/SPAN>";
verify.nomatch_html = "<SPAN STYLE=\"color:red\">Invalid!</SPAN>";
// Update the result message
With regard to skipping the validation step, that most likely means that you're just feeding the ft_api_process_form() function the wrong URL to link to for the next page. Double check your PHP at the top of that page.
Good luck!
- Ben