Sep 25th, 2010, 8:37 AM
Hi Conrad,
Sheesh - sounds like a tricky one.
Yeah, that's probably how I'd tackle it. However, it's not Form Tools that's the problem here - it's web browsers. Clicking tab will always move the focus to the next field. Form Tools fields work the same way as any other webpage field. Could you try this: open up notepad or textedit, add a tab and copy & paste it into the email template? That may well work...
Secondly, apologies about the Export Manager documentation - it's really pretty weak, I know. I kind of need to update both the documentation and the module itself. But I can't think of a decent way to do what you need; at least, not without a fair bit of custom programming...
Sorry about that!
- Ben
Sheesh - sounds like a tricky one.
Quote:What I can do is put tabs between each info chunk but form tools wont allow me to add these to the email template.
Yeah, that's probably how I'd tackle it. However, it's not Form Tools that's the problem here - it's web browsers. Clicking tab will always move the focus to the next field. Form Tools fields work the same way as any other webpage field. Could you try this: open up notepad or textedit, add a tab and copy & paste it into the email template? That may well work...
Secondly, apologies about the Export Manager documentation - it's really pretty weak, I know. I kind of need to update both the documentation and the module itself. But I can't think of a decent way to do what you need; at least, not without a fair bit of custom programming...
Sorry about that!
- Ben