Oct 8th, 2010, 6:29 PM
Quote:That works fine, and will serve the purpose. What I wanted to do, though, was present the “Completed field” as a radio-button choice in the Edit submission page, to force a yes/no choice.
Sure, no problem! Here's how to do it:
1. On the Edit Form -> Fields page, set the field type to "Radio Buttons" and click update.
2. Then click the row's OPTIONS link.
3. On the Edit Field Options page, click the "Create new Field Option Group" button.
4. That will take you to a page where you can define the options for your field. Add two rows with "Yes" and "No" for BOTH column ("Field Value" and "Display Text" I think...)
5. Set the orientation to "horizontal" (this will position the radio buttons in a single line)
6. Click Save.
And unless I've forgotten something, that should be it. You've now created a new field option group and associated it with your field. Now, whenever that field appears for editing it will show two radio buttons.
Hope this helps!
- Ben