May 11th, 2011, 7:42 AM
Thanks for the quick response. For the life of me I cant seem to get the hidden variable to pass along the form ID. Here is a screen shot of my last try at passing the hidden form ID. I have tried to put input on main stage and have had the same error.
process.php requires a form ID for processing. Make sure your form contains a hidden field with the name "form_tools_form_id" that's passing along the form ID.
Thanks for the quick response. For the life of me I cant seem to get the hidden variable to pass along the form ID. Here is a screen shot of my last try at passing the hidden form ID. I have tried to put input on main stage and have had the same error.
process.php requires a form ID for processing. Make sure your form contains a hidden field with the name "form_tools_form_id" that's passing along the form ID.