Did you edit the content in the template?
Start by just selecting one of the possible layouts, you know
to adminastrator/client
To user
II found that if I went in and edited the content first that I would have different errors. But when I selected a content format, tested it, then only edited it one line/section at a time, save, test that I had better results.
Also double check the advanced settings for the email configuration to make sure it's set for the action you want to trigger the email send.
Other than that, not sure what else you could do.
You are being sent to the "thank you" page after form submission, correct? I had an issue recently where payment was processed, database was updated, but it would hang-up in the portion of the api that directs the email to be sent. It would just display a blank page. Problem was my email template had gotten corrupted and I had to delete it and create a new one.
Start by just selecting one of the possible layouts, you know
to adminastrator/client
To user
II found that if I went in and edited the content first that I would have different errors. But when I selected a content format, tested it, then only edited it one line/section at a time, save, test that I had better results.
Also double check the advanced settings for the email configuration to make sure it's set for the action you want to trigger the email send.
Other than that, not sure what else you could do.
You are being sent to the "thank you" page after form submission, correct? I had an issue recently where payment was processed, database was updated, but it would hang-up in the portion of the api that directs the email to be sent. It would just display a blank page. Problem was my email template had gotten corrupted and I had to delete it and create a new one.