Jun 7th, 2011, 5:55 PM
So for anyone else having this problem in 2.0.6, here's the solution provided by Ben[/code]:
"To fix it, do this: edit your [form tools root]/process.php file and look at the first few lines. You should see this (or something like it):
Just before the last @include_once line, add this:
"To fix it, do this: edit your [form tools root]/process.php file and look at the first few lines. You should see this (or something like it):
$folder = dirname(__FILE__);
// always include the core library functions
// if the API is supplied, include it as well
Just before the last @include_once line, add this:
// if the API is supplied, include it as well
$folder = dirname(__FILE__);
(Jun 7th, 2011, 12:09 AM)alexh Wrote: Yep, just sent!
Thanks Ben!
(Jun 3rd, 2011, 1:36 AM)Ben Wrote: Hi Alex,
Would it be possible for you to send your code to me (ben.keen@gmail.com)? Just the page of your form containing the PHP that's displaying the reCAPTCHA & with the appropriate code at the top. Just curious to see it myself!
- Ben