Jul 6th, 2011, 1:07 PM
Ah... I see! Wow, that *is* an old version! Nice to see people get mileage out of it, though. 
Yes, you can update to Form Tools 2.0.6 using the FT1 Data Import module, but unfortunately it's not really an upgrade. Form Tools 1 and 2 are very different so that module merely imports the data from your old database into the new one. There are also other limitations, and you'd need to reconfigure your forms to point to the new Form Tools 2 database. So yeah, it's a bit of work - take a look at the help doc for more info.
But to address your original problem, it looks like maybe PHP Short Tags are disabled on your system. Short tags let you enter PHP code like so:
<?= ... ?>
Instead of the more long-winded:
<?php echo ... ?>
I believe I'd removed all short tags by 1.5.0, but you could just manually replace it yourself. Edit the file with the problem and change:
<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>
You may find that that fixes it.
I wish I could be more help... but good luck!
- Ben

Yes, you can update to Form Tools 2.0.6 using the FT1 Data Import module, but unfortunately it's not really an upgrade. Form Tools 1 and 2 are very different so that module merely imports the data from your old database into the new one. There are also other limitations, and you'd need to reconfigure your forms to point to the new Form Tools 2 database. So yeah, it's a bit of work - take a look at the help doc for more info.
But to address your original problem, it looks like maybe PHP Short Tags are disabled on your system. Short tags let you enter PHP code like so:
<?= ... ?>
Instead of the more long-winded:
<?php echo ... ?>
I believe I'd removed all short tags by 1.5.0, but you could just manually replace it yourself. Edit the file with the problem and change:
<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>
You may find that that fixes it.
I wish I could be more help... but good luck!
- Ben