Jul 28th, 2011, 10:14 AM
Haha yes, red is a colour you generally want to avoid.
So the problem is best described right at the end: "Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs".
MyISAM tables (the database storage format most commonly used by most MySQL applications, including Form Tools) have a total VARCHAR max size of 65,535 bytes (64K). So for cases where you have a REALLY large tables with a lot of VARCHAR fields, you can run into the limit.
The error handling for this case is very poor, for which I apologize. It's slightly better handled in 2.1.0 (Internal forms automatically adjust the default field size down when it approaches the max), but there can still be problems with External forms. I'll jot this down as a bug and try to slip a fix into an upcoming 2.1.0 build.
But in your case, just change a number of the varchar(255) ("Medium" field size) fields to something smaller or larger, depending on what's appropriate for the field in question. Odd though it may seem, the larger field sizes aren't VARCHAR, they're stored as TEXT/MEDIUMTEXT types which are not included in the total row size. So increasing the size can actually help.
Good luck!
- Ben
So the problem is best described right at the end: "Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs".
MyISAM tables (the database storage format most commonly used by most MySQL applications, including Form Tools) have a total VARCHAR max size of 65,535 bytes (64K). So for cases where you have a REALLY large tables with a lot of VARCHAR fields, you can run into the limit.
The error handling for this case is very poor, for which I apologize. It's slightly better handled in 2.1.0 (Internal forms automatically adjust the default field size down when it approaches the max), but there can still be problems with External forms. I'll jot this down as a bug and try to slip a fix into an upcoming 2.1.0 build.
But in your case, just change a number of the varchar(255) ("Medium" field size) fields to something smaller or larger, depending on what's appropriate for the field in question. Odd though it may seem, the larger field sizes aren't VARCHAR, they're stored as TEXT/MEDIUMTEXT types which are not included in the total row size. So increasing the size can actually help.
Good luck!
- Ben