Aug 6th, 2011, 8:27 AM
Hi Mark,
Sorry for the wait - I'm off traveling again (NY this time - boy it's hot!) so I'm playing catch-up in the forums.
So! I *still* think there's a problem with the design. I see why you need it, totally - but I really can't add it back in as it was because it wouldn't make sense when considering the functionality as a whole.
Let me do my best to explain.
In your scenario, you have the placeholders being filled by whomever happens to be logged in - so you can have a single email template which sends different content depending on the client account info. Nice! That makes total sense now - thanks for the explanation. And I can totally see why that would be useful.
However, say I were to add back in the user placeholders back into the email template as before: then they would only make sense in certain contexts. Namely: when the user was logged in. For regular form submissions, those placeholders wouldn't be filled. For the administrator sending an email with that template, they'd be empty.
I really want to avoid "weirdnesses" like that, that are unintuitive and would require the documentation to make sense of it. If I were to use those placeholders, I could very much see myself forgetting
Frankly, I just don't like it...!
So how about an alternative solution. Have you stumbled across this page at all?
One of the many things the Hooks Manager lets you do is add in arbitrary placeholders to be used in your email templates. What if you could define a Hook Manager rule that would always insert a {$signature} placeholder that would contain the appropriate data? One additional benefit would be that the signature placeholder could be used in multiple email templates so you wouldn't need to re-define it should you use multiple email templates that need it.
Would that be an adequate workaround, do you think?
I wouldn't bother looking too much into the module yet - I need to do a little legwork to confirm it would all work. But if it didn't, I'd make it.
- Ben
Sorry for the wait - I'm off traveling again (NY this time - boy it's hot!) so I'm playing catch-up in the forums.
So! I *still* think there's a problem with the design. I see why you need it, totally - but I really can't add it back in as it was because it wouldn't make sense when considering the functionality as a whole.
Let me do my best to explain.
In your scenario, you have the placeholders being filled by whomever happens to be logged in - so you can have a single email template which sends different content depending on the client account info. Nice! That makes total sense now - thanks for the explanation. And I can totally see why that would be useful.
However, say I were to add back in the user placeholders back into the email template as before: then they would only make sense in certain contexts. Namely: when the user was logged in. For regular form submissions, those placeholders wouldn't be filled. For the administrator sending an email with that template, they'd be empty.
I really want to avoid "weirdnesses" like that, that are unintuitive and would require the documentation to make sense of it. If I were to use those placeholders, I could very much see myself forgetting
Frankly, I just don't like it...!
So how about an alternative solution. Have you stumbled across this page at all?
One of the many things the Hooks Manager lets you do is add in arbitrary placeholders to be used in your email templates. What if you could define a Hook Manager rule that would always insert a {$signature} placeholder that would contain the appropriate data? One additional benefit would be that the signature placeholder could be used in multiple email templates so you wouldn't need to re-define it should you use multiple email templates that need it.
Would that be an adequate workaround, do you think?
I wouldn't bother looking too much into the module yet - I need to do a little legwork to confirm it would all work. But if it didn't, I'd make it.
- Ben