Aug 9th, 2011, 9:04 AM
(Aug 9th, 2011, 7:21 AM)Ben Wrote: Hi Hannes!
I just fixed this problem locally. It was introduced a little while ago in which field records were deleted in the Form Tools database, but the actual database table wasn't updated to remove the column. So if you try to create new fields with field names that already exist in the db, you'll see an error.
I'll include this fix in today's build. However, you'll need to manually delete those fields from your database if you want to reuse the same database column names.
- Ben
[One of the modules I would like to eventually get around to, is a "Spring Clean" module that checks the integrity of the database content - sort of like a data counterpart to the Database Integrity module. That would identify and fix problems like this. Just thought I'd mention it.]
Ok. Great!
When I opened this thread, I thought it was a general bug in column management.
It did not cause any problem, later everything was running perfect until I finally got it again.
I was just happy to find out where the problem was i had in the beginning and that it was not only a problem on my side. (-;