Aug 21st, 2011, 3:49 PM
Hi just1ncase,
Thanks for the kind words!
Glad it's coming in handy.
Yes, the ipn.php file is where the submission should get finalized. This line should get called for all successful payments that get put through:
If the submissions aren't being finalized, either the values being passed to that function aren't making it there, or
What I often do for debugging the ipn.php script is just to add in extra lines to send myself emails at the different spots. For starters, right before the line I quoted above, add the following line:
If that part of the code is being called, it should send you an email containing the values being passed. That will tell you if the code IS in fact being called, and if the values are correct.
Failing that, try adding additional lines at the top of the file to confirm the ipn.php script is in fact being called.
Let me know how it goes!
- Ben
Thanks for the kind words!

Yes, the ipn.php file is where the submission should get finalized. This line should get called for all successful payments that get put through:
PHP Code:
ft_finalize_submission($pp["form_id"], $_POST['custom']);
If the submissions aren't being finalized, either the values being passed to that function aren't making it there, or
What I often do for debugging the ipn.php script is just to add in extra lines to send myself emails at the different spots. For starters, right before the line I quoted above, add the following line:
PHP Code:
mail("", "debugging", "Form ID: {$pp["form_id"]}, sub ID: {$_POST['custom']}");
If that part of the code is being called, it should send you an email containing the values being passed. That will tell you if the code IS in fact being called, and if the values are correct.
Failing that, try adding additional lines at the top of the file to confirm the ipn.php script is in fact being called.
Let me know how it goes!
- Ben