Hi Ben,
I understand that after all the checks that edit_submission.tpl does, it will display the data using smarty code:
However I cannot figure out how it is showing the data. From what I understand of how FormTools works is that it needs the form_id and submission_id to know which table from the database to open.
I just need to know how to get it out of the array.
Thank you.
Nvm, I Figured it out. I can use the code below to get the data I need.
I Just hope that the Edit portion will be correct
I understand that after all the checks that edit_submission.tpl does, it will display the data using smarty code:
{edit_custom_field form_id=$form_id submission_id=$submission_id field_info=$curr_field field_types=$field_types settings=$settings} {$settings}
However I cannot figure out how it is showing the data. From what I understand of how FormTools works is that it needs the form_id and submission_id to know which table from the database to open.
I just need to know how to get it out of the array.
Thank you.
Nvm, I Figured it out. I can use the code below to get the data I need.
$Data = ft_get_submission($_GET[form_id],$_GET[submission_id]);
echo $Data[1]['content'];
I Just hope that the Edit portion will be correct