Sep 15th, 2011, 9:01 AM
(Sep 14th, 2011, 2:31 PM)filch Wrote:(Sep 14th, 2011, 1:54 PM)Ben Wrote: Hey Dave,
Weird! Yeah, you could add it in manually by adding a record to the [ft_]accounts table with an account_id of 1. For that, you'd need some sort of DB access tool like phpMyAdmin.
You might want to look at another of your installations and see how that ID is configured, then manually copy the settings over. For the password, either copy over an existing record's password and then change it when you log in, or use this script:
- Ben
Yeah I will try that but I realized there was something a bit weird about all this so I uploaded the latest and then used the same dB but with a different prefix. All seemed well until I put through my first form submission and I got the error shown in the attached image. I really do not know why I am getting so much grief out of any install I do of Formtools. It is crazy! Seems like nothing ever totally works.
Well, I never managed a fix for the error above but what I did was manually add the admin account back in to the tables with the ft_ prefix, change my config.php back to using the ft_ prefix and the error went away. I suspect it must have been an incomplete install because when I logged into FT admin using the original tables, I received a Formtools updated to 2.12. So, who knows but it is working now. However, on one of the forms I sam trying to re-config, I am now receiving this error:
The "../../global/smarty/messages.tpl" template could not be located at the following locations: /home/xxxx/public_html/admin/formtools/themes/default/../../global/smarty/messages.tpl and /home/xxxx/public_html/admin/formtools/themes/default/../../global/smarty/messages.tpl.
I have had this error before on older installs but the new install does not seem to have this file. Can I just upload this file from an older version?