Oct 8th, 2011, 8:06 PM
Hi Ben
what I was trying to explain is that the "email address field" in the email sent out to the administrator just has a zero (0) instead of the sender's email address (all other answers come through correctly). However, if you view the result in the database the full email address is there. Any help greatly appreciated.
Perhaps it'd be clearer if you view the test result (problem in red - should be "email address" not "0") I've pasted below:
ID 10
Tradingname abc
Legalname abc pty tld
Delivery1 1
Delivery2 2 second st
Delivery3 secondville
Deliverypostcode 1111
Postal1 3
Postal2 4 fourth st
Postal3 fourville
Postalpostcode 2222
Telephone 98989898
Fax 97979797
Mobile 88888888
Abn 111111111111
E-mail 0
Contact Mark
Position manager
Last modified 2011-10-05 4:47 PM
Thanks Ben,
what I was trying to explain is that the "email address field" in the email sent out to the administrator just has a zero (0) instead of the sender's email address (all other answers come through correctly). However, if you view the result in the database the full email address is there. Any help greatly appreciated.
Perhaps it'd be clearer if you view the test result (problem in red - should be "email address" not "0") I've pasted below:
ID 10
Tradingname abc
Legalname abc pty tld
Delivery1 1
Delivery2 2 second st
Delivery3 secondville
Deliverypostcode 1111
Postal1 3
Postal2 4 fourth st
Postal3 fourville
Postalpostcode 2222
Telephone 98989898
Fax 97979797
Mobile 88888888
Abn 111111111111
E-mail 0
Contact Mark
Position manager
Last modified 2011-10-05 4:47 PM
Thanks Ben,