May 19th, 2009, 7:26 PM
Hey Sergio,
Absolutely. There's no guarantee that the form data being received is from the form itself. One thing people sometimes do is add code to check the referrer (if your server supports it), but even that isn't guaranteed. Anyone worth their mettle can fake an HTTP header.
It sounds rather like either the stats are at fault, or a bot is linking directly to the thankyou page. This is perfectly likely: once a bot logs the address, there's absolutely no guarantee that it will return to the page in the same order as before.
Do you have stats for the initial form page? Are they similar?
- Ben
Quote:Can forms be submitted from an address other than the specified in the form's properties? e.g. bot on host A submitting to my formtools installation on host B.
Absolutely. There's no guarantee that the form data being received is from the form itself. One thing people sometimes do is add code to check the referrer (if your server supports it), but even that isn't guaranteed. Anyone worth their mettle can fake an HTTP header.
It sounds rather like either the stats are at fault, or a bot is linking directly to the thankyou page. This is perfectly likely: once a bot logs the address, there's absolutely no guarantee that it will return to the page in the same order as before.
Do you have stats for the initial form page? Are they similar?
- Ben