I knew it would required a little poking around in the code. I have 40 forms which I am using as a online silent auction which will repeat every year. The only thing changing is the date of the auction(s) every Friday. I named them week1, week2, week3, etc. As you can see it can get confusing for the client.
I was hoping it would be easy as popping in a line of code. <?php echo $row_auction['date']; ?>
I could just rename the forms and have the client repopulate the both fields. The one from the form and the name.
The new version seems pretty stable thus far. I am getting some odd behaviors but it seems to be mostly user centered.
I was hoping it would be easy as popping in a line of code. <?php echo $row_auction['date']; ?>
I could just rename the forms and have the client repopulate the both fields. The one from the form and the name.
The new version seems pretty stable thus far. I am getting some odd behaviors but it seems to be mostly user centered.