Mar 30th, 2012, 11:03 AM
I just got back to working on this, and tried your suggestion. I can't seem to get the field value(s) to set and appear. The smarty.get portion is working, as I can display that query string value in the form (inserting <h2>{{$}}</h2> at the top for example). I made sure to change the field name(s) to what I am using on the particular form of course. I'm just not sure why it isn't working. I even tried referencing the fields by name versus id without success. Any thoughts?
I just got back to working on this, and tried your suggestion. I can't seem to get the field value(s) to set and appear. The smarty.get portion is working, as I can display that query string value in the form (inserting <h2>{{$}}</h2> at the top for example). I made sure to change the field name(s) to what I am using on the particular form of course. I'm just not sure why it isn't working. I even tried referencing the fields by name versus id without success. Any thoughts?