(Jul 18th, 2012, 8:10 AM)paullittrell Wrote: Hello,In Client > Settings you can specify the Date Format (10th setting down the list). If I picked you up correctly you want 22 July 2012 to look like: 20120722 ?
I have been searching the forum to see if someone know how to get the date in a YYYYMMDD format which is required by a vender that I use for orders.
I'm not sure if Form Tools can handle this natively, but I have even attempted to modify the field_type.php code where I believe it is stored. But I just can't seen to get.
Has anyone had experience in modifying the custom dates to include the YYYYMMDD format?
Thank you,
Paul Littrell
If so, I think the Date Format you need is simply Ymd
See http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php for more options.
* Sorry, just realised that's in the Form Builder Module - don't know if you have that?