Jul 31st, 2009, 7:45 PM
Hi Doug,
Interesting! I *did* encounter this with an early version of the Swift Mailer module, but I thought it was fixed.
Are you running the Swift Mailer module (i.e. did you configure and enable it?) or are you using the default email settings? Let me know and I'll try and track this problem down. It sounds like the email's just not being created properly - which would be something on my end. But it *is* possible that it's an oddity of your server. The idiosyncracies with sending emails consistently across servers never fails to amaze me.
- Ben
Interesting! I *did* encounter this with an early version of the Swift Mailer module, but I thought it was fixed.
Are you running the Swift Mailer module (i.e. did you configure and enable it?) or are you using the default email settings? Let me know and I'll try and track this problem down. It sounds like the email's just not being created properly - which would be something on my end. But it *is* possible that it's an oddity of your server. The idiosyncracies with sending emails consistently across servers never fails to amaze me.

- Ben