Aug 26th, 2011, 6:40 AM
Hi Valch,
Version 2.0.1 allows you to enable/disable the Lightbox for each individual file field. Here's how to set it up:
(1) Within the 'Fields' tab of the concerned Form, click the 'Edit' icon for the relevant field (the 'Field Type' should be set to 'File').
(2) A new pop-up window will appear. Navigate to the 2nd tab called 'File Settings'. The first option is titled 'Open link with Fancybox' - Untick the 'Use Default Value?' box and ensure the 'Value' option is set to 'Yes'.
All done! Any files uploaded to that field will now show in a Lightbox window. This extra customisability allows you to enable/disable the Lightbox setting depending on the file type, I have it switched on for image file types but switched off for .zip files!
Hope this helps.
- Mark
Version 2.0.1 allows you to enable/disable the Lightbox for each individual file field. Here's how to set it up:
(1) Within the 'Fields' tab of the concerned Form, click the 'Edit' icon for the relevant field (the 'Field Type' should be set to 'File').
(2) A new pop-up window will appear. Navigate to the 2nd tab called 'File Settings'. The first option is titled 'Open link with Fancybox' - Untick the 'Use Default Value?' box and ensure the 'Value' option is set to 'Yes'.
All done! Any files uploaded to that field will now show in a Lightbox window. This extra customisability allows you to enable/disable the Lightbox setting depending on the file type, I have it switched on for image file types but switched off for .zip files!
Hope this helps.
- Mark
(Aug 26th, 2011, 1:00 AM)valch Wrote: Where are in version 2.1.0 is optionUse Lightbox to display files for uploaded files displaying?
I can't see this option or this option is only for older formtools versions. (d00h)