Jun 6th, 2017, 8:01 PM
(Jun 6th, 2017, 7:42 AM)Hi alexh, I hope I explained myself properly, but thank you for the links. I will do some more reading and see if you gave me the right information for my question or if I asked the question in gobbligook. I have had a day and a half of stuff ups LOL!Thank you!Kind regards,pixie1964 alexh Wrote: Hey pixie1964,
It sounds like you have your forms connected to FormTools and are successfully storing submissions, congratulations!
If I understand your post correctly, you need help configuring email notifications for your submissions.
Here's the part of the documentation that covers it: https://docs.formtools.org/userdoc/email...ng_emails/
When you log into FormTools as an administrator, click to edit the particular form you are working with. Click on the "emails" tab and then "Create New Email". Once you are to the next screen, you'll need to complete the configuration, recipient(s) and content tabs. There is a final tab that allows you to test it to make sure the emails are going out.
I also suggest checking out the Swift Mailer extension https://docs.formtools.org/modules/swift_mailer/ if you want something a little bit better than the built in PHP mail function on the backend.
Hope this helps!