May 6th, 2009, 12:35 PM
This file
global:jscalendar:lang:.pureftpd-upload.469409eb.15.74b0.b839a3a6 - error occurred - An FTP error occurred - cannot put .pureftpd-upload.469409eb.15.74b0.b839a3a6. Access denied. The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem. Make sure you have proper authorization on the server and the server is properly configured.
fails every time I try to upload it.
Same happened the first clean upload I tried days ago. DreamWeaver tried many times, until "Operation timed out" 6 times.
global:jscalendar:lang:.pureftpd-upload.469409eb.15.74b0.b839a3a6 - error occurred - An FTP error occurred - cannot put .pureftpd-upload.469409eb.15.74b0.b839a3a6. Access denied. The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem. Make sure you have proper authorization on the server and the server is properly configured.
fails every time I try to upload it.
Same happened the first clean upload I tried days ago. DreamWeaver tried many times, until "Operation timed out" 6 times.