Feb 6th, 2014, 8:17 AM
I hope I am close to getting this form working. When the user clicks submit we go to a blank Process.php page, however the results are correctly sent to Form Tools. I dohave a redirect specified in Form Tools for this form, but it doesnt go past process.php.
I am new to CMSMS and Formtools so thanks in advance for any help in resolving this problem.
Here is my process.php:
Here is what I believe is the pertinent part of the HTML:
I am new to CMSMS and Formtools so thanks in advance for any help in resolving this problem.
Here is my process.php:
PHP Code:
* File: process.php
* This file processes any form submissions for forms already added and configured within Form Tools. To
* use it, just point your form to this file, like so:
* <form method="post" action="/path/to/process.php">
* Once the form has been added through the Form Tools UI, this script parses the form contents
* and adds it to the database then redirects the user to whatever page is required. In addition,
* this script is used to initially set up the form within the database, to map input fields to
* database columns and types.
// always include the core library functions
$folder = dirname(__FILE__);
// if the API is supplied, include it as well
$folder = dirname(__FILE__);
// check we're receiving something
if (empty($_POST))
$page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_no_post_vars"]);
ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
// check there's a form ID included
else if (empty($_POST["form_tools_form_id"]))
$page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_no_form_id"]);
ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
// is this an initialization submission?
else if (isset($_POST["form_tools_initialize_form"]))
// otherwise, it's a regular form submission. Process it!
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This function processes the form submissions, after the form has been set up in the database.
function ft_process_form($form_data)
global $g_table_prefix, $g_multi_val_delimiter, $g_query_str_multi_val_separator, $g_root_dir, $LANG,
$g_api_version, $g_api_recaptcha_private_key;
// ensure the incoming values are escaped
$form_data = ft_sanitize($form_data);
$form_id = $form_data["form_tools_form_id"];
$form_info = ft_get_form($form_id);
// do we have a form for this id?
if (!ft_check_form_exists($form_id))
$page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_invalid_form_id"]);
ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
extract(ft_process_hook_calls("start", compact("form_info", "form_id", "form_data"), array("form_data")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
// check to see if this form has been completely set up
if ($form_info["is_complete"] == "no")
$page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_form_incomplete"]);
ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
// check to see if this form has been disabled
if ($form_info["is_active"] == "no")
if (isset($form_data["form_tools_inactive_form_redirect_url"]))
header("location: {$form_data["form_tools_inactive_form_redirect_url"]}");
$page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_form_disabled"]);
ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
// do we have a form for this id?
if (!ft_check_form_exists($form_id))
$page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_invalid_form_id"]);
ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
// was there a reCAPTCHA response? If so, a recaptcha was just submitted. This generally implies the
// form page included the API, so check it was entered correctly. If not, return the user to the webpage
if (isset($g_api_version) && isset($form_data["recaptcha_response_field"]))
$passes_captcha = false;
$recaptcha_challenge_field = $form_data["recaptcha_challenge_field"];
$recaptcha_response_field = $form_data["recaptcha_response_field"];
$folder = dirname(__FILE__);
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer($g_api_recaptcha_private_key, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $recaptcha_challenge_field, $recaptcha_response_field);
if ($resp->is_valid)
$passes_captcha = true;
// since we need to pass all the info back to the form page we do it by storing the data in sessions. Enable 'em.
$_SESSION["form_tools_form_data"] = $form_data;
$_SESSION["form_tools_form_data"]["api_recaptcha_error"] = $resp->error;
// if there's a form_tools_form_url specified, redirect to that
if (isset($form_data["form_tools_form_url"]))
header("location: {$form_data["form_tools_form_url"]}");
// if not, see if the server has the redirect URL specified
else if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]))
header("location: {$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]}");
// no luck! Throw an error
$page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_no_form_url_for_recaptcha"]);
ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
// get a list of the custom form fields (i.e. non-system) for this form
$form_fields = ft_get_form_fields($form_id, array("include_field_type_info" => true));
$custom_form_fields = array();
$file_fields = array();
foreach ($form_fields as $field_info)
$field_id = $field_info["field_id"];
$is_system_field = $field_info["is_system_field"];
$field_name = $field_info["field_name"];
// ignore system fields
if ($is_system_field == "yes")
if ($field_info["is_file_field"] == "no")
$custom_form_fields[$field_name] = array(
"field_id" => $field_id,
"col_name" => $field_info["col_name"],
"field_title" => $field_info["field_title"],
"include_on_redirect" => $field_info["include_on_redirect"],
"field_type_id" => $field_info["field_type_id"],
"is_date_field" => $field_info["is_date_field"]
$file_fields[] = array(
"field_id" => $field_id,
"field_info" => $field_info
// now examine the contents of the POST/GET submission and get a list of those fields
// which we're going to update
$valid_form_fields = array();
while (list($form_field, $value) = each($form_data))
// if this field is included, store the value for adding to DB
if (array_key_exists($form_field, $custom_form_fields))
$curr_form_field = $custom_form_fields[$form_field];
$cleaned_value = $value;
if (is_array($value))
if ($form_info["submission_strip_tags"] == "yes")
for ($i=0; $i<count($value); $i++)
$value[$i] = strip_tags($value[$i]);
$cleaned_value = implode("$g_multi_val_delimiter", $value);
if ($form_info["submission_strip_tags"] == "yes")
$cleaned_value = strip_tags($value);
$valid_form_fields[$curr_form_field["col_name"]] = "'$cleaned_value'";
$now = ft_get_current_datetime();
$ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$col_names = array_keys($valid_form_fields);
$col_names_str = join(", ", $col_names);
if (!empty($col_names_str))
$col_names_str .= ", ";
$col_values = array_values($valid_form_fields);
$col_values_str = join(", ", $col_values);
if (!empty($col_values_str))
$col_values_str .= ", ";
// build our query
$query = "
INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}form_$form_id ($col_names_str submission_date, last_modified_date, ip_address, is_finalized)
VALUES ($col_values_str '$now', '$now', '$ip_address', 'yes')
// add the submission to the database (if form_tools_ignore_submission key isn't set by either the form or a module)
$submission_id = "";
if (!isset($form_data["form_tools_ignore_submission"]))
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result)
$page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "error_code" => 304, "error_type" => "system",
"debugging"=> "Failed query in <b>" . __FUNCTION__ . ", " . __FILE__ . "</b>, line " . __LINE__ .
": <i>" . nl2br($query) . "</i>", mysql_error());
ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
$submission_id = mysql_insert_id();
extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("form_id", "submission_id"), array()), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
$redirect_query_params = array();
// build the redirect query parameter array
foreach ($form_fields as $field_info)
if ($field_info["include_on_redirect"] == "no" || $field_info["is_file_field"] == "yes")
switch ($field_info["col_name"])
case "submission_id":
$redirect_query_params[] = "submission_id=$submission_id";
case "submission_date":
$settings = ft_get_settings();
$submission_date_formatted = ft_get_date($settings["default_timezone_offset"], $now, $settings["default_date_format"]);
$redirect_query_params[] = "submission_date=" . rawurlencode($submission_date_formatted);
case "last_modified_date":
$settings = ft_get_settings();
$submission_date_formatted = ft_get_date($settings["default_timezone_offset"], $now, $settings["default_date_format"]);
$redirect_query_params[] = "last_modified_date=" . rawurlencode($submission_date_formatted);
case "ip_address":
$redirect_query_params[] = "ip_address=$ip_address";
$field_name = $field_info["field_name"];
// if $value is an array, convert it to a string, separated by $g_query_str_multi_val_separator
if (isset($form_data[$field_name]))
if (is_array($form_data[$field_name]))
$value_str = join($g_query_str_multi_val_separator, $form_data[$field_name]);
$redirect_query_params[] = "$field_name=" . rawurlencode($value_str);
$redirect_query_params[] = "$field_name=" . rawurlencode($form_data[$field_name]);
// only upload files & send emails if we're not ignoring the submission
if (!isset($form_data["form_tools_ignore_submission"]))
// now process any file fields. This is placed after the redirect query param code block above to allow whatever file upload
// module to append the filename to the query string, if needed
extract(ft_process_hook_calls("manage_files", compact("form_id", "submission_id", "file_fields", "redirect_query_params"), array("success", "message", "redirect_query_params")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
// send any emails
ft_send_emails("on_submission", $form_id, $submission_id);
// if the redirect URL has been specified either in the database or as part of the form
// submission, redirect the user [form submission form_tools_redirect_url value overrides
// database value]
if (!empty($form_info["redirect_url"]) || !empty($form_data["form_tools_redirect_url"]))
// build redirect query string
$redirect_url = (isset($form_data["form_tools_redirect_url"]) && !empty($form_data["form_tools_redirect_url"]))
? $form_data["form_tools_redirect_url"] : $form_info["redirect_url"];
$query_str = "";
if (!empty($redirect_query_params))
$query_str = join("&", $redirect_query_params);
if (!empty($query_str))
// only include the ? if it's not already there
if (strpos($redirect_url, "?"))
$redirect_url .= "&" . $query_str;
$redirect_url .= "?" . $query_str;
header("Location: " . $redirect_url);
// the user should never get here! This means that the no redirect URL has been specified
$page_vars = array("message_type" => "error", "message" => $LANG["processing_no_redirect_url"]);
ft_display_page("error.tpl", $page_vars);
Here is what I believe is the pertinent part of the HTML:
<form action="http://californiaschooloflaw.com/forms/form_tools_2/process.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="form_tools_form_id" value="9" />