I am not sure if I am understanding what this software can do. I am trying to create a form internally in formtools and have created a form with some fields.
I tried to create a field with options and have created an option list.
However I cannot work out how to assign this to a form field and in a new submission page it shows as "This field isn't assigned to an Option List".
I am running 2.1.0 beta 20110616. What is going wrong?
Are we speaking via email right now? I just got the same question from some chap.
To assign a field to an Option List, go to the Edit Form -> Fields tab and click the "edit" icon for the field. There, on the second tab in the dialog that opened, select the appropriate Option List for the "Option List / Contents" field.
N.B. there's a bug with Safari on the Edit Form -> Fields page, which prevents the dialog from opening. This will be fixed in today's build.
One more question, is there any e-mail functionality in the system. I notice its listed in 2.06 but not in the Beta. If not how far is it away? Or is there another way to implement a way to selectively e-mail from the system that can be incorporated into FormTools?
Also is there a way to create a field that adds data to a table displayed within the form? I want to build a club form that also contains names of teams associated with them?
(Jun 18th, 2011, 3:21 AM)Ben Wrote: Hi Procreative,
Are we speaking via email right now? I just got the same question from some chap.
To assign a field to an Option List, go to the Edit Form -> Fields tab and click the "edit" icon for the field. There, on the second tab in the dialog that opened, select the appropriate Option List for the "Option List / Contents" field.
N.B. there's a bug with Safari on the Edit Form -> Fields page, which prevents the dialog from opening. This will be fixed in today's build.
No worries! Just trying to keep track of who's who.
Yes - email is included in 2.1.0. The built-in PHP mail() functionality already all works (or should!) and I've just finished updating the Swift Mailer module. I'll be releasing that today and include it in the next bundled Beta version.
Quote:Also is there a way to create a field that adds data to a table displayed within the form? I want to build a club form that also contains names of teams associated with them?
Hmm... I don't quite follow. So you need a form that has a field in it which contains those values from another form in the database?
Also - I'm going to move this thread to the Beta forum, just so I don't lose track of what version it's about.
Can you explain what the e-mail functionality consists of as it appears to me to be just for notifying user of account creation? Is there a way to filter records by certain fields then send an e-mail to the resulting records?
If not is there an open source (or low cost) e-mail module that could be bolted on to the admin area that does not need too much customisation and offers reasonably featured e-mail features such as the ability to create an e-mail template?
BTW I must congratulate you on a very customisable yet simple to use system. Better than many expensive systems. And believe me I have spent over a week searching, and there are systems out there much more fixed that are being offered as SAAS models for silly money.
Thanks very much! Yeah, it's not a bad script - still lots to improve, but it's getting there.
Quote:Can you explain what the e-mail functionality consists of as it appears to me to be just for notifying user of account creation? Is there a way to filter records by certain fields then send an e-mail to the resulting records?
Yes, absolutely. But I'm not quite sure what you mean by "only notifying user of account creation"... actually, it doesn't do that! It only notifies the administrator when the script is first installed.
2.1.0 is a little different from earlier versions, but functionally it's the same - so those docs (which haven't been updated yet) will still be worth reading through.
But to answer your other question: yes, the email templates let you create any number of emails for your forms. You can rig them up to only get sent out for particular submissions with particular values in the fields, and lots of stuff like that. They can be targeted to different users, contain totally different content etc.
(Jun 20th, 2011, 9:20 AM)Ben Wrote: The email templates are all associated with the forms themselves. I'd give this section of the documentation a read over: http://docs.formtools.org/userdoc2_1/?page=emails
2.1.0 is a little different from earlier versions, but functionally it's the same - so those docs (which haven't been updated yet) will still be worth reading through.
But to answer your other question: yes, the email templates let you create any number of emails for your forms. You can rig them up to only get sent out for particular submissions with particular values in the fields, and lots of stuff like that. They can be targeted to different users, contain totally different content etc.
From what I can see you can e-mail users but the only filter is by e-mail address. What I want to be able to do is filter out records by fields. For example say we have a field specifying gender, one might want to send an e-mail to males etc. Is this possible?
If not how can one bolt on a more sophisticated e-mail system or is it more customisable?
Quote:For example say we have a field specifying gender, one might want to send an e-mail to males etc. Is this possible?
Sure, no problem! The way you do this is by mapping an email template to a particular form View. Views can be set up to show subsets of the total form information - like only men, only women, or more advanced stuff like only 15 year olds from Boston who like Kierkegaard and existentialist philosophy. See the View Filters section of the documentation for more info on how to set that up: http://docs.formtools.org/userdoc2_1/ind...ew_filters
After the View is created, you just edit the Email Template, then in "Advanced Settings" at the bottom of the first tab select your View for the "For only submissions in View:" option of the "When Sent" field.
And if we wanted to incorporate a 3rd party e-mail system into FormTools is it possible and where would we have to insert it?
I will explore what you said above but really we wanted a simple to use way to filter out recipients by a series of dropdowns and e-mail the resultant records a bit like this:
Ah, I see! Yes, that would be extremely useful. For a mass emailer like this you would need a custom module. This is actually already on our list of ideas for future premium modules, but it won't be coming any time in the near future. Months away at the earliest.
Customizations of this nature are certainly possible by implementing them as Form Tools modules, but you would need to speak to a developer for them to figure out our system and find a way to integrate the 3rd party script. http://docs.formtools.org/module_development/