Jul 23rd, 2011, 10:40 AM
Using the API method - but I can't get the data to display on the receipt (thank you) page. I did everything that's on this tutorial http://docs.formtools.org/tutorials/post...rect_data/
Since the form has about 25 fields, its not possible to use the other method where you check all field values to "pass on" due to character limits on URLs.
Here is my code on the form page:
Here is the code on receipt / thank you page:
before the head section->
...and in the body...
What might I be missing?
Using the API method - but I can't get the data to display on the receipt (thank you) page. I did everything that's on this tutorial http://docs.formtools.org/tutorials/post...rect_data/
Since the form has about 25 fields, its not possible to use the other method where you check all field values to "pass on" due to character limits on URLs.
Here is my code on the form page:
PHP Code:
$fields = ft_api_init_form_page(1);
$submission_id = $fields["submission_id"];
$unique_key = $fields["unique_key"];
$params = array(
"submit_button" => "submit",
"next_page" => "apply1112confirm.php",
"form_data" => $_POST,
"finalize" => true
Here is the code on receipt / thank you page:
before the head section->
PHP Code:
$fields = ft_api_init_form_page();
...and in the body...
PHP Code:
if (isset($fields["submission_id"]) && isset($fields["unique_key"]))
$form_id = 1;
$view_id = 1;
$export_type_id = 2;
$submission_info = ft_api_get_submission($form_id, $_GET["submission_id"]);
// now confirm that the unique_key matches
if (isset($submission_info["unique_key"]) && $submission_info["unique_key"] == $_GET["unique_key"])
ft_api_show_submission($form_id, $view_id, $export_type_id, $_GET["submission_id"]);