Hi DaRichMan,
Quote:Also in the cuurent situation when a user ads a submission and does not fill in all the required fields, hits the back button in the browser, an empty submission is created ???
Haha! You're not the first person to wonder about this. I'm so surprised: I thought it was very clear - and still do - but enough people have commented now that I think I'll need to change it. When you click "Add", it adds it right then. Plus it displays a message saying "Your submission has been added, edit it below".
What may be better would be to change the behavior so that when the user clicks "Add", a dialog window appears showing a subset of the fields (e.g. just "First Name", "Last Name" and "Email"), which when filled in and submitted, redirects the user to the Edit Submission page. That would be nice, I think - very clear. However, it adds more configuration needed for each View, which I don't like... (you'd need to specify which fields should appear in the new dialog window). I'll have to give it some more thought.
Quote:What I want is;
- Admin can add, delete and edit submissions
- Users can view and add submissions
Sure! Most of this is all configurable through the Views. Views let you control whether the "Add" and "Delete" button appears, and whether any of the fields can be edited. So if you needed the users to only view submissions, you'd need to create a copy of your existing View and on the View Fields tab, uncheck the "Allow fields to be edited" checkbox at the top of the tab. Then, assign that View to your users, and only assign the one that allows editing to the administrator.
Quote:- Users can only edit a submission after clicking an edit button
Nope! Sorry, this can't be done yet. The "edit" icon (with "edit" tooltip) always appears, even if none of the fields in the View are actually editable.
- Ben