(Jun 4th, 2012, 12:54 PM)michatmaster7 Wrote: I may not be fully understanding your request. Do you have HTML experience? Or have you used FormTools at all yet? I'm pretty certain you can do that with server-side validation via the API.
Or are you saying you'd like to use the Form Builder module?
I am saying exactly as I state:
I want to create a form that uses NUMBER as the field type.
That is: INT
The standard issue of Form Tool does NOT OFFER "NUMBER" as a field type. The ability to make a field type an INT with specified length of digits.
The Custom Module states that it offers MORE FIELD TYPES than are available in the standard default Form Tool.
It is easy enough to create a Number field type if one were not using Form Tool but, say, phpmyadmin.
So, in looking at all of the information posted at Formtools.org about Custom Module it leaves out specifically saying that it offers the Option of choosing NUMBER -- INT as the field type.
As I state, IF the developer offers NUMBER as a field type option then I would BUY the Custom Module.
Obviously, if it offers NUMBER -- INT as a field type then it would also offer some validation rules for the form posting itself, which I would need.
I am still hoping the developer will respond and affirm or deny that NUMBER -- INT is a field type option in the Custom Module.
Right now the options for choosing field types is Hard Coded into the default product. Changing the database fields directly is possible but not recognized inside FormTools after the fact. It would not dynamically expand my form validation rules by dynamically detecting that a database field had been "forced" to be a Number type.
I had hoped to avoid making core changes to Form Tool by purchasing the Custom Module.
So, I hope I can find out from the actual facts regarding ALL field options available in the Custom Field Module.