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I am fairly new to FT and am having a bit of a problem with client views. I did some research on this problem but it looks like the solution was for an earlier version of FT.
I want to set it up so my clients all see the same data from a single form but can only edit submissions they make or have made.
I don't see how to do that and the PHP code change I mentioned earlier did not seem to work when I get started on it.
Please advise...
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Joined: Oct 2012
UPDATE: This is working. I used the information provided in a previous post and mapped the User to the Client ID. That works fine.
("The simplest way is to include a dropdown in the form saying "User", which contains a dropdown of all your Form Tools user.
The dropdown would contain the account IDs of each client account.
Then, you'd create a single View with a Client Map filter in which the value in that field maps to the client's account ID.")
The problem I'm having now is clients DONOT get to the SUBMISSION FORM any longer. When selecting ADD a new record is added directly into the database WITHOUT giving the Client the ability to add/select data inside the FORM.
Please advise.
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The reason the "Add" submission is not working is because the view has been setup to be filtered by client ID. When you add in a new submission through the Form Tools interface, it does not add in a default value to the client ID field. Because there is no value in this field you will not be able to see the interface to add in the submission because your view is being filtered by the client ID.
What you need to do is this:
- Setup a view for each client
- Add a default value to the client ID field (View / General tab / Default Values for New Submissions)
- The default ID needs to be set to the client that you are setting up the view for
- Add client filter based on client ID field
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the response... I'll be sure to make the above changes and will let you know, via the Forum, the outcome...
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Joined: Oct 2012
Just wanted to confirm that this DID address my issue.
THANK YOU for taking time to help me understand how the application works... it is AWESOME!!!!
You guys ROCK!